The JUICE Lunar-Earth Gravity Assist: from Inception to Completion

Les événements de la communauté
11 mars 2025
de 14H00 à 15H30
  • Accessible via visioconférence
  • Public
  • Arnaud BOUTONNET Arnaud BOUTONNET animateur

In August 2024, the JUICE spacecraft performed a very special manoeuvre: the first-ever Lunar-Earth gravity assist (LEGA) manoeuvre.

The concept was invented at ESOC in Summer 2013.

In a first phase, the potential of the concept was analysed in detail by mission analysis, and its navigability was carefully studied to ultimately include it in the JUICE baseline.

Once in flight, the key was accuracy and safety. These aspects were successfully handled by the flight dynamics and operations teams, with the support of the space debris team.

The first LEGA ever has been a great achievement for ESOC; it has led to massive propellant savings. This mini-seminar gives you the opportunity to relive this feat by listening to the stories of some of the protagonists:

  • Mission analysis: A. Boutonnet
  • Flight dynamics: F. Budnik
  • Operations: A. Dietz

You can follow the seminar on-line via the link you received by email.

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