Workshop – Results of FormaTerre OIC Challenge 2024

27 June 2024
from 09H00 to 17H00
  • Hôtel Pullman, Toulouse, France
  • EN
  • Accessible by videoconference
  • Public
  • Guillaume EYNARD-BONTEMPS Guillaume EYNARD-BONTEMPS Ingénieur Calcul Scientifique

Terrain motion is a variable used in various fields of Earth sciences for understanding the physical mechanisms controlling fault, landslide, glacier or volcano activity and can be a key parameter for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) applications.

OIC (i.e. pixel offset tracking) can measure surface motion by determining the offset between two satellite acquisitions. In the case of optical satellite with off-nadir look angles, the technique is sensitive to displacement in the horizontal plane. Depending on the ground sampling distance (i.e. satellite image spatial resolution), the technique is sensitive to large displacement magnitudes from tens of centimeters to meters. Many open source libraries implementing these approaches are accessible. All these methods and algorithms are sensitive to the image acquisition geometry, the radiometry/texture of the images, the type of deformation (rigid, non-rigid), the amplitude of deformation and the quality of the co-registration/alignment of the image pairs.

The aim of the FormaTerre OIC2024 Challenge is to promote innovative and robust methodologies for automatic ground motion retrieval from known Sentinel-2 and Pléiades datasets for three categories of deforming objects : glaciers, landslides, earthquakes, and to provide objective and fair comparisons among the different methods and/or pipelines.


More than 20 international research groups have participated to the challenge. The results will be presented and discussed at the OIC Workshop 2024 on 27 June 2024 in Toulouse.


The format of the workshop will be hybrid (video meeting link will be provided upon registration) and the language will be English.

Program is presented below

9.00 - 9.15 : Introduction - Summary of the objectives of the OIC 2024 Challenge

9.15 - 9.45: Upcoming optical/multispectral satellite missions

9.45 - 10.30: Short (10 min) presentation of the methodologies and main results obtained per each participating group - Part 1

10.30 - 11.00: Coffee break

11.00 - 12.30: Short (10 min) presentation of the methodologies and main results obtained per each participating group - Part 2

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch

13.30 - 14.00 : Presentation of the products inter-comparison

14.00 - 16.30 : Discussion on several topics:

- impacts of the correlation algorithm

- impacts of pre/post-processing

- strategies used for time series inversion

- OIC outputs standards and formats

16.30 - 17.00 Wrap up and next phases of the challenge

17.00 End of the workshop.


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