The “System Engineering” Community of Experts (COMET SYS) combines system engineering and the space system professions that make it possible to define, design, develop and validate a complex space system in response to the requirements of the end customer.
This community covers in particular the engineering aspects (requirements, interfaces, etc.), system analyses (mission analysis and analysis of the system that has to reflect the mission requirements, risk analysis, consideration of innovations, etc.), system architectures (with compromises making it possible to optimise said systems and to demonstrate their suitability for customer requirements), validation and verification (methods, tools and means).
The “System Engineering” theme covers activities relating to Processes, Methods and Tools around the Engineering of requirements, Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Human Factors in design.
The “Space System Professions” theme covers all activities relation to Command / Control and Architecture (Mechanical and thermal, Fluid, Software, etc.).