The use of automotive components for space applications

Les événements de la communauté
24 mai 2018
de 09H00 à 18H00
  • CLS, Ramonville-Saint-Agne, France
  • EN
  • Pas de visioconférence
  • Accès limité
  • Charlène Doucet Cheffe de projet JUICE en exploitation

The requirements for selection, control, procurement and usage of EEE parts for space projects are defined by the ECSS standards according to a defined class of the project. The three different classes are defining a compromise between assurance and risk.

Nowadays, we can see new types of projects through the emergence of space constellations in the space industry and the market of cubesats/nanosats. Somehow, we could consider these projects as out of the box since they can assume a risk level higher than before due to redundancy of the constellations or due to a choice for the nanosats market.

Thus, for cost or performance needs, some equipment manufacturers are considering the use of automotive components.

Is the use of automotive components an option for the space sector? Can we have access to these components? Do they answer the need of the space sector? How can we assess their quality or reliability?

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