Microsystems and Electronic Components

MCE MCE - Microsystems and Electronic Components
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The Microsystems and Electronic Components Community of Experts focuses primarily on analysing the technological offer from a user point of view in order to respond to project requirements and satisfy the demands of systems activities.

This approach is achieved in the following ways:

  • An upstream approach by staying in close proximity to the components themselves, their evolution, their performance, their reliability and their robustness in different types of environment.
  • Or by a downstream approach with the aim of defining the best components to fulfil a given mission, taking into consideration all the technical, economic and strategic constraints.

The technical fields covered by the MEC Community of Experts correspond with the following points:

  • The technology, implementation, quality and reliability of passive and active electronic components, optoelectronics and high frequency electronics...as well as micro-mechanical microsystems.
  • Monolithic integrated circuit design
  • Electronics assembly technologies, including their transfer to printed circuit boards and control units.

The aim of the community is to share information on the evolution of the various technologies in the field and the impact for users, to look into the technical and regulatory approaches that best reflect project requirements, and to share lessons learnt (feedback) from the different members of the network.

Events may be organised in conjunction with other communities of experts, such as the environment (ENV), On-board Energy (EDB), Electromagnetism and Microwave Circuits (ECM) and Optical and Optoelectronic (OOE) COMETs...

Previous events have focused on various themes, such as signal conversion solutions for space applications, export control (ITAR), counterfeiting, COTS, MEMS for space applications, etc.

This community is open to all manufacturers, public and private research facilities, SMEs or start-ups.

  • Arnaud DUFOUR Arnaud DUFOUR
    community moderator
  • Guillaume BASCOUL
    Docteur Ingénieur en Analyse Electronique
  • 2 - 5 October 2023
    Find out more

    ESREF 2023 - European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis

    MCE - Microsystems and Electronic Components
    The 34th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, will take place at Diagora Congress Center in Toulouse (France) from October 2nd to 5th, 2023. This international symposium continues to focus on recent developments and future directions in Quality and Reliability Management of materials, devices and circuits for micro-, nano-, and optoelectronics. It provides a European forum for developing all aspects of reliability management and innovative analysis ...
    • DIAGORA Congress Center, TOULOUSE – LABEGE , France
    • EN
    • No videoconference
    • Public
  • 23 - 26 September 2019
    Find out more

    ESREF 2019 - European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis

    MCE - Microsystems and Electronic Components
      ESREF 2019, the 30th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, has taken place in Toulouse (France) from 23th to 26th September 2019 at Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis. This international symposium continues to focus on recent developments and future directions in Quality and Reliability Management of materials, devices and circuits for micro-, nano-, and optoelectronics. It provides a European forum for developing all aspects of reliability ...
    • Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France
    • EN
    • No videoconference
    • Public