Présentation de la COMET OPS à l'IAC 2024
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Prochain Evènement = SPACEOPS 2025 - Mai - Montréal
La COMET OPS prévoit de faire une restitution détaillée de cet évènement majeur probablement après l'été... A suivre
Operational training and certification are vital for efficient and safe operations. This concerns not only the acquisition of knowledge and initial qualification of operators for new operations but also maintaining competence over time during long routine phases.
These processes inherit from a strong experience and usual practices are nearly the same for all kinds of space operations namely theoretical and practical training courses followed by a simulations campaign from the simplest exercises up to the most complex ones.
However, recurring questions arise as the level of effort required, the representativeness of simulations and of degraded situations, the feeling and perception of operators, etc.
So, this aim of this day was to gather many concerned actors in charge of space or non-space operations, to present the habits and customs, innovations in this area and main issues. Three round tables were also proposed in order to exchange ideas on the main current issues.
This workshop was very successful as the presentations done were very interesting and the exchanges very fruitful. In particular, the round tables were very animated and it is a good advice to place them during the day and not at the end. The fact to eat in parallel also helps to discuss more freely.
From this animations, several actions / suggestions / ideas are identified and this new thematic community will probably help to improve the training & certification processes.
47 attendees on site: 22 CNES / 25 external