Interplanetary Mission Operations

30 novembre 2023
de 10H00 à 12H00
  • EN
  • Accessible via visioconférence
  • Public
  • Gérard GALET Gérard GALET Expert Opérations - Innovation en opérations

Présentation de la COMET OPS à l'IAC 2024

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur cette page.

Prochain Evènement  = SPACEOPS 2025 - Mai - Montréal

La COMET OPS prévoit de faire une restitution détaillée de cet évènement majeur probablement après l'été... A suivre


Operations of Deep Space Missions: does this mean anything to you?

This presentation invited us to immerse ourselves in this very particular and specific world where everything seems like an incredible achievement because of exceptional precision and know-how.

ESOC, which is assigned to operate this kind of missions, offered to explain to us why these operations are so special, the consequences induced on all the parts of the space system both on board and on the ground and to share some crispy experiences with us.

This presentation has captivated us and we had the opportunity to ask our questions to a "real" Deep Space operational actor, Christoph Steiger, currently MSR-ERO (Mars Sample Return - Earth Return Orbiter) Spacecraft Operations Manager at ESA/ESOC.

This presentation was held in 100% virtual mode, open to all and free.

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