Présentation de la COMET OPS à l'IAC 2024
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Prochain Evènement = SPACEOPS 2025 - Mai - Montréal
La COMET OPS prévoit de faire une restitution détaillée de cet évènement majeur probablement après l'été... A suivre

CNES, the French Space Agency, hosted the SpaceOps workshop 2024 on June 18th-20th, 2024, at "Cité de l’Espace" Toulouse, France.
The on-site attendance was reserved to presenters and spaceops representatives.
It was also possible to follow the workshop remotely (only for days 1 and 2).
This biannual event, which takes place in between the SpaceOps conferences, aims to explore new subjects, new paradigms, new issues related to space systems operations. It is indeed a question of bringing together a few experts to discuss the relevance of introducing new topics, new problematics, and new challenges within the scope of the international space operations community.
For this 2024 edition, the proposed themes were the following:
- New Ops Paradigms
- New Ops Solutions
- Ops Challenges for Exploration
- Zero Debris Approach: current capabilities & future needs
- In-Orbit Servicing missions
The detailed program was the following (it can be downloaded here):

The organizers:
- Chair: Gérard Galet – CNES –
- Co-Chair: Jay Trimble – NASA Ames Research Center –