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The aim of these HUDEP sessions is to address all of the subjects relating to the consideration of the human factor, from the design of ground and onboard systems to operational aspects and lessons learnt (feedback).
Initiated by the ESA in 2009, and then organised by the CNES in conjunction with the ESA in 2011, the DLR joined the community by hosting the 3rd edition in 2013. The 4th edition, which was held at the ESOC, focused on promoting the 1st edition of the HUDEP guide. Following on from this edition, it was decided that the 5th edition should be held at ESTEC in order to be closer to the projects in development, the objective being to emphasise Human Factor in the design and AIT phases.
As far as COMET involvement is concerned, this workshop was jointly organised by the OPS & AIT COMETs primarily, with assistance from the SYS CCT for information.
During the 2-day event, 70 people took part in a workshop that included about 25 presentations (divided over 4 sessions) :
- The programme: cf. § resources at the bottom of the page
- The presentations: cf. § resources at the bottom of the page
- The site : Site HUDEP5
The CNES presented several subjects: :
- The HF in AIT activities: Cf. presentation no. 2 in session 3
- The Ethology experience in operation: Cf. presentation no. 3 in session 4
It is important to highlight that training in the HF guide was made available the evening before the workshop = Tutorial - Cf. § resources at the bottom of the page
In conclusion, it was a very interesting workshop, even if the theme itself is not always a priority, particularly for key players in development phases. The main idea for the future is specifically to try and involve manufacturers to a greater degree with a view to entrusting them with the organisation of HUDEP6, which will be due to take place around 2020.
A detailed report can be supplied by event organisers on request.
The OPS & SYS COMET event organisers