The COMmunity of ExperTs in ORBital mechanics deals with all subjects relating to space vehicle trajectories.
This community aims to lead and prompt discussions on all aspects of the life of these vehicles (from launch to re-entry), from the most theoretical aspects to the most practical aspects.

The scientific fields involved with this subject are numerous and extensive in scope:
- Astronomy,
- Geodesy,
- Geophysics,
- Celestial mechanics,
- Orbit determination,
- Navigation and guidance,
- Applied mathematics (including optimal control, numerical integration, etc.)
- Propulsion (chemical, electrical, solar sail, etc.)
- …
In addition to establishing the state of the art in these fields, as well as capitalizing on it and sharing it, the COMET-ORB hopes to establish links between the various key players in research and industry. The discussions raised by the community make it possible to detect the themes of the future, and this is why particular efforts are made to increase the number of expert contributors, in particular European researchers referred to as “friends of COMET-ORB”, and who take part in order to provide new ideas for seminars and discussion topics.
The agencies (CNES, ESA/ESOC, ESA/ESTEC, DLR), manufacturers (ADS, TAS, CS), as well as teachers and researchers (ISAE, IMCCE, LAAS) are all represented on the COMET events team and work together to promote and expand discussions and exchanges.
Through the organization of seminars, workshops, round tables and other events, the COMET-ORB ensures that the most relevant current subjects are examined. European specialists are invited to take part in all of these events, as indeed are global specialists if the opportunity arises. All theoretical or methodological aspects are dealt with during the course of our seminars, as well as practical elements relating to astrodynamics tools, user experience, and other subjects.