P&A - Propulsion & Aérothermodynamique
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Propulsion & Aerothermodynamics COMET (In English Only)
The P&A COMET deals with all the topics related to atmospheric reentry, electric propulsion & chemical propulsion from the fundamental physics at play to the technology developments.
The COMET P&A will support open innovation initiatives and any activities that could foster cross exchanges between experts from space and beyond. The COMET is open to worldwide contributions.
The COMET P&A can provide logistic supply (room for meetings, webconf plateform, etc…) and sponsoring.
Actions that could be undertook are:
- Dissemination of information
- Presentation of R&T activities outcomes
- Presentation and Benchmarking of simulation tools
- RoadMap sharing, ...
- Set up working group to identify major topics of interest and work on it
- Visit experimental facilities
- Seminar, Lectures, training session
Outcomes could be
- Cooperation with shared R&T activities, co-management of a Ph.D. thesis or of trainee, etc…
- Publications, position paper
- Share data base
- Definition of a benchmark, experiment
- Preparation of a shared Roadmap
- Etc…