
CYB CYB - Cybersecurity
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COMET CYB's next event "Cybersecurity governance for space programs" will be held june, the 29th.

Registration & Program

The main objectives of this Community of Experts are to:

  • Formalise and reduce the complexity and heterogeneity of the organisational and technical approaches to information system security
  • Analyse and understand the threats in order to facilitate detection and reaction
  • Consolidate and protect operational information systems and companies
  • Improve the protection mechanisms and procedures
  • Conduct state-of-the-art research actions into information system security
  • Encourage the integration of security into space missions
  • Analyse the constraints and opportunities associated with the regulations in this area
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  • Julien AIRAUD Julien AIRAUD
    community moderator
    Responsble Exploitation Sécurité du SI CNES
  • 26 September 2024
    from 10H00 to 16H00
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    Séminaire de fiabilité informatique DTS 2024

    SIL - Computer System Architecture and Software Engineering
    1. Présentation Le Séminaire de fiabilité informatique est un lieu d’échange – entre ingénieurs et chercheurs, l’informatique et les autres disciplines, le secteur spatial et d’autres secteurs à systèmes critiques – autour de quatre exposés invités couvrant quatre thématiques : l’incertitude de localisation, l’arithmétique virgule flottante, les outils de recherche de failles de cybersécurité et les modes de défaillance liés à la programmation. 2. Programme 10h00 - 10h30 Accueil-café à la salle de Vinci ...
    • Daumesnil - salle Vinci, PARIS, France
    • CNES Toulouse - Créalab, Toulouse, France
    • FR
    • Accessible by videoconference
    • Public
  • 29 June 2023
    from 09H00 to 17H00
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    Cybersecurity governance for space programs

    CYB - Cybersecurity
    Cybersecurity governance for space programs Program Programme Day host Yohan Bauzil, Rhea Group Start Title Speaker 08:30 Welcome   09:00 Day introduction Yohan Bauzil, Rhea Group Etienne Gérain, Priamos Julien Airaud, CNES 09:30 Conférence par le Commandement de l’Espace  Matthieu Compin, LISA, Commandement de l'Espace 10:00 Airbus Aircraft and Space Product Security synergies - Airbus Defence & Space Bertrand Leconte, Airbus Defense & Space 10:30 Pause   11:00 Space ISAC Européen - EUSPA Paul Varela, EUSPA Florent Rizzo, CyberInflight 11:45 Espace : Gérer les cyber risques - HeadMind Partners Lauryn Lee Hallet, Headmind Partners 12:30 Pause déjeuner   14:00 Nouvelle gouvernance cyber chez Thales Aliena Space Stéphane ...
    • Ligue Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée de Tennis, Balma, France
    • FR
    • Accessible by videoconference
    • Public
  • 20 - 22 April 2022
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    Cybersecurity challenges and constraints on launch operations

    CYB - Cybersecurity
    The event is postponed to an unknown date due to COVID-19 situation. Due to operational constraints of the spaceport, it is not possible to schedule it for now. Regards, The COMET CYB & OPS teams Cybersecurity challenges and constraints on launch operations Unknown date 2020 at Guiana Space Center, Kourou CSG, COMET CYB & OPS are organizing an event 2020 with the following objectives : to establish a state of play of nowadays and future ...
    • Centre Spatial Guyanais, Kourou, French Guiana
    • fr
    • Accessible by videoconference
    • Public